NIEUWS van Pema Dorjee

I feel very happy to inform you that because of your earthquake relief funds we ,the Porong Monastery Relief Team, were able to supply relief materials to few villages in Kabre Distt & it covered 510 families.

They were getting 20 kg of rice,1 liter of oil & packet of salt to each family.

Below photo is how the team get prepared before the villagers come to the relief camp.  

In the below photo you are seeing the villagers who were coming to receive relief supplies.

So many villagers came & our team was able to distribute relief supplies to 510 families.

Our team supplied 800 meters of water rubber pipes to a small village who were very sadly shifted from original destroyed village to completely new place where water became major problem because they have go very far to collect a bucket of water.

Today I can send this much informations & related photos & if you need more information please write to me.In the next mail I will send you the income & expenses with few clarifications.
Lots of love & our heart felt thanks for your timely support to this urgent relief activities.All the villagers were thanking you all.

Pema Dorjee